Friday, June 2, 2017

Conclusion of Evil

Conclusion. In the future, I will happily continue to play, watch, and keep up with the Resident Evil series franchise. In other happy news, Resident Evil 8 has been confirmed by Capcom due to not only the success of the other games but also Resident Evil 7. Unfortunately, the Resident Evil films have came to an ending with Resident Evil: The Final Chapter that came out earlier this year and was one of the best films I have ever seen this year so far. Though it was very melancholic with the ending when Alice finds out that she was a clone of herself the whole time and never the real her, therefore persuades her to still fight the zombies since the antidote will take a long time to kill every single virus in the whole world. Hopefully Resident Evil will go on forever and ever and ever! Thank you guys for reading and checking out my blogs and keeping up to date with everything you need to know about Resident Evil! Until next time, I'll check you guys out later! ;)
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